04 October 2012

Kesan Air Tangan Orang yang Tak Solat

السلام عليكم Peace be with you بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمِ In the name of God, compassionate, merciful

Kesan Air Tangan Orang Yang Tak Solat | Semua orang tahu bahawa kalau meninggalkan solat adalah dosa besar dan malahan lebih hina daripada khinzir. Betapa hinanya kita kalau meninggalkan solat seperti yang dikisahkan pada zaman Nabi Musa as. Begini kisahnya, pada zaman Nabi Musa, ada seorang lelaki yang sudah berumahtangga, dia tiada zuriat, lalu terdetik dalam hati dia (nazar), “kalau aku dapat anak, aku akan minum air kencing anjing hitam.” Nakdijadikan cerita, Allah pun kurniakan isteri si lelaki tadi pun hamil dan melahirkan anak. Apabila dah dapat anak, lelaki ni pun runsinglah.
Dia dah nazar nak kena minum air kencing anjing hitam. Syariat pada zaman Nabi Musa berbeza dengan syariat yang turun untuk umat Nabi Muhammad. Kalau umat Nabi Muhammad, nazar benda yang haram, maka tak payah buat tapi kena denda (dam) atau sedekah.

Tapi kalau zaman Nabi Musa, barangsiapa bernazar, walaupun haram tetap kena laksanakan nazar itu.
Lalu, si lelaki yang baru mendapat anak, dengan susah hatinya pergilah bertemu dengan Nabi Allah Musa dan menceritakan segala yang terjadi ke atas dirinya. Lalu, Nabi Musa menjawab bahawa lelaki tu tak perlu minum air kencing anjing hitam tetapi akan minum air yang lebih hina dari air kencing anjing hitam. Nabi Musa perintahkan lelaki tersebut untuk pergi menadah air yang jatuh dari bumbung rumah orang yang meninggalkan solat dan minum air tu Lelaki itu pun senang hati, menjalankan apa yang diperintahkan oleh Nabi Musa tadi. Lihatlah, betapa hinanya orang yang meninggalkan solat, sampai dikatakan air yang jatuh dari bumbung rumahnya, lebih hina dari air kencing anjing hitam. Itu baru air bumbung rumah, belum air tangan lagi. Menyentuh bab air tangan, selalu kita suka makan masakan ibu; isteri kita. Jadi, kepada muslimat sekalian, peliharalah solat kerana kalau meninggalkan solat (kalau tak uzur), air tangan akan menitik ke dalam basuhan makanan, nasi, dsb.
Anak-anak, suami pula yang akan makan makanan yang dimasak. Takkan nak biarkan suami dan anak-anak gelap hati minum air tangan orang tinggalkan solat. Tak gamak kan? Tapi lain pula halnya dengan kita ni. Pagi petang, mamak! Teh tarik satu, roti canai satu. Ada pulak segelintir tukang masak yang tak solat. Kita pun makan bekas air tangan dia. Gelaplah hati kita, sebab tu liat nak buat kerja-kerja yang baik. Beware apa yang kita makan. Betapa beratnya amalan solat ni hatta Allah syariatkan solat kepada Nabi Muhammad melalui Isra’ Mikraj sedangkan kewajipan-kewajipan lain memadai diutus melalui Jibril as.

 Ketika saat Rasulullah nazak, sempat baginda berpesan kepada Saidina Ali (dan untuk umat Islam), “As-solah as Solah wa amalakat aimanukum”. Maknanya, “Solat, solat jangan sekali kamu abaikan dan peliharalah orang-orang yang lemah di bawah tanggunganmu” Jadi, sama-samalah kita pelihara solat dari segi zahir & batinnya kerana amalan solatlah amalan yang mula-mula akan ditimbang di neraca Mizan kelak. Hidup bukan untuk makan, tetapi makan untuk hidup. Jika makan dengan niat ibadah akan mendapat pahala. – Wallahu a’lam.

09 August 2012

Allah menjawab persoalan hamba2 nya

السلام عليكم
Peace be with you
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمِ
In the name of God, compassionate, merciful

Roh Di bulan Ramadhan

السلام عليكم
Peace be with you
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمِ
In the name of God, compassionate, merciful

Pagi tadi sempena hari Jumaat bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini, aku menghadiri majlis ilmu yang membincangkan tentang amalan di bulan Ramadhan. Satu perkara yang menarik perhatian aku tadi, ustaz penceramah bercerita tentang keadaan roh di bulan Ramadhan. Menurut satu hadith Rasulullah.. (maaf aku tak sempat catat perawi hadith ini).. menceritakan apabila tiba bulan Ramadhan, semua roh berkumpul di Luh Mahfuz memohon kepada Allah S.W.T untuk kembali ke bumi. Ada roh yang dibenarkan pulang ke bumi dan ada yang tidak dibenarkan.Roh yang dibenarkan pulang adalah kerana amalan baik mereka semasa hayat mereka ataupun ada penjamin-penjamin yang mendoakan mereka. Manakala roh-roh yang tidak dibenarkan pulang disebabkan kesalahan mereka semasa hayat mereka akan terus di penjara di Luh Mahfuz.

Apabila roh dibenarkan pulang, perkara pertama yang mereka lakukan adalah pergi ke tanah perkuburan untuk melihat jasad mereka. Kemudian mereka akan pergi ke rumah anak2 mereka, orang yang mendapat harta pusaka mereka dan ke rumah orang yang mendoakan mereka dengan harapan orang yang mereka lawati itu memberi hadiah untuk bekalan
mereka.Perkara ini akan berlarutan sehinggala tibanya Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Pada saat ini mereka akan mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada jasad dan pulang semula ke Luh Mahfuz dengan bekalan yang diberikan oleh mereka2 yang masih hidup.

Di sini ustaz memberitahu hikmah adanya alam kubur. Alam kubur membuktikan bahawa Allah itu Maha Penyayang. Orang yang melakukan kesalahan semasa hayatnya boleh dibantu dengan doa orang2 yang masih hidup. Alangkah bahagianya jika seseorang yang telah meninggal dunia masih mendapat bekalan dari orang-orang yang masih hidup.

Oleh itu wahai sahabatku, jangan biarkan orang-orang yang kita sayang, yang mengadap Allah terlebih dulu daripada kita sepi tanpa doa dan sedekah daripada kita. Sesungguhnya apabila mati seseorang anak adam itu, terputus ia semua hal
kecuali 3 perkara iaitu doa anak2 yang soleh, ilmu yang bermanfaat dan sedekah amal jariah.

16 July 2012

Aysha and her mega bloks

Aysha is now very protective of her belongings...
All the things that interests her, she will straight away declare that it is hers..

13 July 2012

Selamat kembali...

Alhamdulillah.. Setelah lama.menyepi.. Akhirnya.. I'm back. I' ve been super duper bz since im started my certification..
After half year now i finally proud to inform dat i managed to get my wishlist. A samsung note pink kaler. Syukur.. Semoga phone ni dpt berkhidmat sebaik2nye... Now bz preparing my hubby going to further stadi in unikl msi. Ok. Need to continue packing. Kang x sempat pulak..

03 June 2012

Result from June 2012 bloglist & blog review

Salam Dearies,

so i'm writing to list down the joinees. also as a reminder for me to start making the blog review..
in sequence:

2. http://thenurra.blogspot.com
      blog reviewed here: http://kisahkc.blogspot.com/2012/06/blog-review-thenurra.html

and last but not least 

so guys.. please wait while i start reviewing your blogs. also i would like to take this opportunity to thanks each of you for joining my first segment ever hosted in this blog.

01 June 2012

Result from 1st segment hosted

Hello dearies, i just got back from hometown. so now if you look to your right you can see that i have updated the june 2012 blog list. i am very happy with the result as it has exceeded my expectation. i expected no one will be joining my segment.. but hey i got myself 5 participants! thats an achievement by itself.

as all of you know, i created another blog for other stuff which i want to include this segment there. so i will do my blog review over at my other blog. but i will definitely put the link here as well. dun worry. please let me know if you have questions k!

Segment: June 2012 bloglist & blog review by KC

*Segment Closed*

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. Since I have some free time after aysha is asleep, I was thinking of hosting a segment. since this is the 1st time i'm hosting one, not sure how the respond will be. but hopefully good response insyaAllah.. for those who would like to participate, please see the terms and requirements as below:

1. this segment will be open until 31st May 2012 at 10.00pm
2. i will add in the June 2012 bloglist on the 1st June by 10am
3. the 1st 10 blogs to enter this segment will receive a blog review by me and another 6 will be picked up randomly from the rest of the entries. this review will start on June. with the total of 16 blogs to review, i will review 4 blogs every week so i will finish reviewing all 16 blogs in 1 month time. Since this will be the first time i'm doing blog review hopefully everything goes well and according to plan.

1. follow this blog here
2. like my facebook here
3. create a blog entry with title: Segment: June 2012 bloglist & blog review by KC. Nak tulis dalam bahasa melayu pun boleh. no problemo
2. insert below banner into your post with a link back to this segment

3. comment here with the link to your post entry.

I guess thats it! hopefully everything is clear and please let me know if you have any questions. however, on another note, due to my hectic schedule, i will only be able to check on your comments or questions at night after aysha is asleep. but sometimes i will try to sneak access this blog during working hours.. hihi.. shhhh...

goodluck guys..

29 May 2012

like a needle through the heart

too many things are going on in my mind.. mind and soul is hurting.. why? i am not sure myself.. my feelings are trying to tell me something.. but i don't know what.. either that or i'm in denial.. my heart is telling me something that i cannot withstand.

i need to do something.. need to change something... need to start something.. but which one? this or that might have a different impact. and i don't want the worst impact to my life. i have aysha to think about.

Dear Allah, to you i seek solitude. please give me the strength to endure this phase. i had these feelings before and now again i have to deal with it. i'm sure the feelings will past.. fades away..

new blog

hey guys,

i just want to announce that i have created another blog here. after i keep thinking about it i feel the need to have another blog for something more relaxing. where i can meet more blogger friends.. i have initially created this blog to tell a story regarding my marriage life, about parenting and other important stuff that i like to share with all.. 

at the same time, i also want to write about lighter topics like making movie reviews, book reviews, blog review, tutorials, learns about how to fully utilise my blog.. what i have learnt in this blogging world. so all the segments i joined will be from kisahkc. since i have organized 1 segment here.

so, please come visit me at kisahkc too..

27 May 2012

6 easy ways to make your child feels loved | iluvislam.com

6 Cara Mudah Membuat Anak Rasa Disayangi | iluvislam.com discover the beauty of islam

from the link above, i would like to share with everyone these easy steps. i really hope i can practice it at home.

1. say i love u especially when she is sad
actually i always do this at night when aysha is drinking her milk to sleep. and usually after she finishes her milk then she'll kiss me goodnight.. awwww. so sweet. love her to bits..

also when she feels down.. nowadays.. always.. dah pandai merajuk.. kuat pulak tu.. sikit2 menangis olok2.. even though she is faking it, i will still hug and kiss her.. say all the nice things to pujuk her.. then, if i nangis olok2 pon, she'll come to hug and kiss me.

2.  show that you are happy to meet her

everyday when i sent aysha to her babysitter, she'll cry wanting to follow me to work.. but at the end of the day, i didnt get to pick her up since i get back quite late. so her abi will pick her up and bring her to the playground..

by the time i'm home, either she'll come greet me or just ignore me if she is busy playing.. i will call out for her and give her a kiss then off for a shower and solat..

everytime she comes looking for me i will give her a big smile and open my arms to hug her.

3. observe and acknowledge when she did something good

right now aysha likes to mess her toys but when i told her to "pick it up and put back in the basket". she will obey and start tidying things up. each time she does good deeds i will encourage her and clap my hands and give her a hug and  kiss.

4. listen to her

these recent weeks aysha is very sensitive and will cry easily if she did not get what she wants. so when she starts crying i will ask nicely what is it that she wants. normally i will not understand what she says so i simply ask things like do you want to eat? do you want milk? etc then she will reply nicely too... nakkk~ or taknak

5. spend time doing what she wants

it is not so hard now that she is still 17 months old.. what she wants to do each day is play.. either on her tricycle, or colouring or playing outside in the park.. her abi will bring her outside to play.. hehe but in the house.. i will join her colouring..

oh and she have taken interest in playing skipping rope.. my oh my...

6. show interest in her effort on what she is doing

sometimes when aysha is alone by the corner or sitting down quietly on the floor.. i will be curious and interested to see what she is doing.. normally it is not the nice thing.. like colouring the floor. or tearing up pages off of her books... sometimes she spill her water and plays with it... sigh..

but i will ask her to clean it up after wards.. and she will obey...

such a good girl..

another wedding attended

today our only agenda was to attend my ofismates wedding ceremony. the venue was very near to our house so we went a bit late. however manage to met up with 3 of my other colleagues. the food was nice and even the weather was nice.. in the inside anyway.. outside was very hot. i would like to take this opportunity to wish Fazirah Hanim and Saad congratulations and welcome to the realm of marriage life.

after the taking pictures, i went to speedmart and bought some milk powder for aysha. then head back for more sleep....

for dinner, we went makan2 with aysha's grandad and the whole family.. just at our normal spot.. nothing fancy there.. then head back to my dad's house to lepak2. aysha gets to play with her makcik2

that's all for today... stay tune for more~

23 May 2012

Emergency Announcement!!

*UPDATE - KC dah tukar template.. tu lah.. aritu gatal sangat tangan godek2 html code.. hihi.. so boleh lah sambung segment semula.. yeahuuuu.... meh.. meh join segment KC


KC baru perasan yang my comment form is not loading.. mane pegi?!!! huwa.... =( buat sementara waktu nih, sape2 nak join segment yang KC nak tu tolong updatekan link post korang kat shoutbox k...

nanti dah ok comment form tu KC roger balik...

22 May 2012


another good info to share with you all.. also found from facebook..

p/s let me know if you need help translating this to english!

Beating Procrastination

Something i found from the internet that is a good reference to me and hopefully can be a good reference for you as well. sharing is caring.. enjoy

taken from: facebook

21 May 2012

Hilang sijil PMR atau SPM?

last monday, KC temankan my hubby pergi buat salinan SPM yang die tak pernah amik. haha... senang jer nak dapatkan salinan sijil kalau dah hilang.

so we went to putrajaya, look for kompleks kerajaan, parcel E, blok E11. very the easy. the kaunter is just to your right once you enter the main entrance. fill in a form.. and submit the form with a RM10 payment.

if i'm not mistaken you need to fill in below details in the form:
1. your name (of course)
2. IC number
3. your school
4. your no angka giliran ( i think if you don't remember this is also OK)

kalau nak download borang dier dulu pon bleh.. easy peasy..

nak tahu lebih lanjut? sile ke sini.

20 May 2012

tutorial: display html codes in blogspot post

Hi all,

another simple tutorial. if you want to display html codes in your blog post, you can follow the steps below:

1. go to this url: http://centricle.com/tools/html-entities/
2. enter the html codes you want to display
3. click encode
4. it will give you an encoded html codes
5. copy the codes
6. paste it in your blog post

p/s let me know if you got questions. goodluck!

tutorial: add follow & dashboard button in blogspot

Dear all,

since aysha is asleep early tonight, i am thinking of making a simple tutorial on how to add the floating follow button and dashboard as what you can see in my blog.. as you know.. sharing is caring..

please follow the easy steps shown below:

1. login to your blogger account
2. select your blog
3. go to layout
4. then click at "add a gadget"
5. choose html/javascript widget
6. not required to enter the title
7. enter the codes below
<div style="display:scroll; position:fixed; top:0px; right:95px;"><a class="linkopacity" href="http://www.blogger.com/follow-blog.g?blogID=your blog id" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Follow !" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 3em; margin-right: 3em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiCOExBfXmkxIfyMdnxYnYGyPJ_PDc0V9bmB2kf2hUW84ZcSfObHG-xqNrjwcyyI24WYrDpHO6Grxzpw7kdi-Yt45bVlHBdIsxAOCQwimf9vZtcAwXSc3O3Gk7uDCJt741h3OOdNRodgT3_/s1600/followpink.png" /></a> <div style="display:scroll; position:fixed; top:0px; right:2px;"><a class="linkopacity" href="http://blogger.com/home" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Dashboard !" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhT3AQ0pztQUWDJy_17EMBN_wbYAOqdZ8SF4ZlNimjpHpw7d2z8NAn9OYeRA0tndRKNzWgiI5V9wgm0r1aOBfRnuu7PdXUIoJ6-Sdds2TFibzegIX4tA45HIY5wqExwcvG6q2TIZl5YzhvL/s1600/dashboardpink.png" /></a></div></div> 
8. for your blog id (highlighted in yellow) you can get it at your url link. you can refer to the screenshot below:

9. the url highlighted in green is the follow button image url. you can change it to your own image url.
10. same goes to the url highlighted in blue. that is the dashboard button image url. you can change it here.
11. once done, click at the save button
12. check it out in your blog.. it should be updated to show the buttons on your top right corner.

p/s my button image url is taken from kemetot comel.

19 May 2012

bad.. bad door... =(

my poor baby's toe nail got caught on the door. she likes to open the door roughly and i knew one day it will get caught.. and tonight it did.. she is a really strong girl and only cried for a second and keep on saying "akett.. akett" pointing at her feet.. i know she is in pain because she keep hardening her body to bear with the pain.. i'm so proud of you.. such a big girl now.. if it was me.. i'll cringe and wail in pain!! 

so i just put some gamat oil and massage her feet a bit.. after nenen she is fast asleep!!

Segmen Review blog by HudaHud

while blog walking and inviting bloggers to join my segment here, i found many other segments organized by other blogger which i got interested to join. so this is the segment review blog by HudaHud..

if you are interested, you can click on the banner above for more information.

Segmen : Bloglist Gulahatichabi By Dini

So this is my first time joining a segmen hosted by Dini.. anyone wants to join? head over to Dini's blog for info! 
p/s hopefully I could be one of the 'superb awesome' blogger.. wish me luck!

18 May 2012

Super Parents Convention

I came across and interesting event from iluvislam. is about a super parents convention. i believe it is all about marriage and parenting. lets register and go together for a fun family event!



Apabila seseorang perempuan mengandung janin dalam rahimnya, maka beristighfarlah malaikat untuknya. Allah s.w.t. mencatatkan baginya setiap hari dengan 1,000 kebajikan dan menghapuskan daripadanya 1,000 kejahatan.


Apabila seseorang perempuan mula sakit hendak bersalin, maka Allah s.w.t. mencatatkan baginya pahala orang yang berjihad pada jalan Allah s.w.t.


Apabila seseorang perempuan melahirkan anak, keluarlah dia dari dosa-dosa seperti keadaan ibunya melahirkannya.


Apabila telah lahir anak lalu disusui, maka bagi ibu itu setiap satu tegukan daripada susunya diberi satu kebajikan.


Apabila semalaman ibu tidak tidur dan memelihara anaknya yang sakit, maka Allah s.w.t. memberikannya pahala seperti memerdekakan 70 hamba dengan ikhlas untuk membela agama Allah s.w.t.


Tiap perempuan yang menolong suaminya dalam urusan agama, maka Allah s.w.t. memasukkan dia ke dalam syurga lebih dahulu daripada suaminya.


Perempuan apabila sembahyang lima waktu, puasa bulan ramadhan, memelihara kehormatannya serta taat akan suaminya, masuklah dia dari pintu syurga mana sahaja yang dikehendaki.


Wanita yang taat berkhidmat kepada suaminya akan tertutup pintu-pintu neraka dan terbuka pintu-pintu syurga. Masuklah dari mana-mana pintu yang di kehendaki dengan tidak berhisab.


Syurga itu di bawah telapak kaki ibu.

Allahu akbar, itu semua adalah ganjaran oleh Allah s.w.t. bagi mereka yang ikhlas melaksanakannya dengan hati yang terbuka. Sekiranya, seseorang isteri dan ibu itu tahu betapa besarnya ganjaran pahala yang akan diterima kelak, sudah pasti tidak akan ada perbuatan membuang bayi, membunuh bayi dan sebagainya. Anak merupakan saham di alam akhirat kita kelak.

Para suami dan anak-anak, sedar dan fahamilah pengorbanan seorang isteri dan ibu dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian. Sekiranya suami mahu sama-sama ringankan tangan untuk membantu, syukur. Berilah penghargaan dalam bentuk material atau hadiah, itu dikira cukup baik. Paling tidak, penghargaan dalam bentuk kata-kata, sikap dan belaian mesra pun amat tinggi harganya. Mereka ini tidak menuntut bayaran sesen pun dari suami bagi kerja-kerja yang dibuatnya, namun balasan Allah s.w.t. adalah ganjaran yang paling berharga.

Source: facebook

17 May 2012

8 Financial Tips for Women

If you find yourself forgetting or being led astray from your financial goals, keep these wise words in mind to help you get back on track.

1. Think about your (possible) future purchases
What kind of lifestyle do you aspire to lead? If it includes living in your own home, then you might want to look at your earnings to see if you can afford a place later on. Do you want to be free from the stresses of a full-time job? Then consider the type of career, income and environment you picture yourself in, and plan accordingly.

2. Take your plans seriously
Write down clear, specific goals for yourself — and stick to them. Prioritise and make a list so you can follow them through. Ask a trusted to friend to keep you in check.

3. Education is key
And we're not just talking about a college or Masters degree. Learning gives you a better view of the world and equips you with a bit of know-how to make things work. Use those extra classes, your work experience, and advice from peers and mentors as your training ground for better decision-making and calculated judgments.

4. Get paid for what you're worth
What do you contribute to the company that makes you so valuable? Spell this out concisely and logically to your boss during an appraisal or a one-to-one meeting. Your achievements will help you confidently negotiate the raise you deserve.

5. Be independent
Be in charge of your money. Be accountable for any slips (like that designer bag you didn't really need) — but don't be too hard on yourself either. Just make sure they don't happen as often; otherwise you shouldn't be surprised to see your finances dwindling.

6. Seize every opportunity
Do you love to make arts and crafts, or collect vintage fashion? Make any hobby or side job work for you. A chance to earn more money — and have fun while doing it — can be a good thing.

7. Respect money, but do not let it define you
Try not to dwell too much on the size of your bank account. Yes, you want to save for a better future — but maybe it's best not to overdo it. Know your limits (do you live every day as if you're a pauper or an heiress, when you're not?) and pamper yourself from time to time.

8. Know when to ask for help
When in doubt, seek help from a friend or an expert. You'll appreciate their advice.

Have you tried these tips before? What else do financially independent women need to know?

14 May 2012

toothbrush and toddlers

my babysitter told me that she have been teaching aysha to use her toothbrush since she got her front tooth. truthfully, i did not even teach aysha how to use the toothbrush yet because even i myself sometimes skip toothbrushing session... and now most of my teeth have gone bad.

now that aysha is getting new 6 toothbuds coming out. 2 front teeth and 4 back molars. ouch. i have to teach her the toothbrush routine. so i bought some toothbrush for kids no toothpaste yet. i read somewhere that it is not good for kids and over use of toothpaste with flouride is bad for teeth.

aysha like to play with her toothbrush but i'm not sure is she is brushing it correctly..

how to wean toddler from nursing

Aysha was fully breastfed until she is 8 months old.. then i started her on formula.. it was tough finding the right formula that suits her.. i tried wyeth s26 but apparently she is allergic to lactose. meaning.. lactose intolerant. she'll get rashes on her face and phlegm. so i gave her lactose free milk formula.. between mamil LF and dulac LF. it was hard because these milk is very limited and not sold at the local supermarket.. so when she is about 14months old. someone from the supermarket told me that anmum only contains 2% lactose and gave me some trial pack. and aysha can tolerate the lactose in anmum. until recently the price of formula milk rised up and i cannot afford anmum anymore.. so i tried giving her dumex dugro.. i read somewhere that children should tolerate lactose after 1 years of age. so i try giving aysha dugro at 18months and there was no more allergy.. alhamdulillah...

however, she is not fully wean from breastfeeding. she still wants to breastfeed when i am around. especially at night when she wants to sleep. i feel like it is time to wean her completely due to her growing 6 teeth at the same time and it has become very painful to breastfeed her. i am now researching the internet to find the best way to wean her.. 

to those who is reading this post, please share your experience and knowledge on how you wean your babies.. thanks a lot in advance.. i 'll update again once i got more information on this..

06 May 2012

how to handle toddler tantrum

 image from momaroo.com

recently aysha frequently have tantrum fits which i'm not sure how to handle. some time, i just leave her be, sometimes i surrender to her needs, and there was once i raised my voice at her.. mostly due to my lack of patience, not more to her than to my partner, who just doesnt seem to care...

so i started to search online on how to better manage her tantrums.. right now the easiest way not sure whether it is the correct way to handle her tantrums are by distracting her to do something else. most of the time she is ok with it,  meaning, she get distracted and quickly forgets. if that does not work, i simply carry her and brings her somewhere quiet and away from noisy places. however, below are some steps i found from google on how to manage toddler tantrums.

Remain calm enough to handle the tantrum properly. The worst thing parents can do is have a temper tantrum over their child's temper tantrum. Children need a calming influence, especially during a tantrum, and if you can’t provide that, you can’t expect them to calm down. Take a few deep breaths and wait at least a few seconds before deciding on a response.

Remember that your child's tantrum is NOT necessarily a way to "get his way", but could be the result of frustration, lack of needed attention from you, or even a physical problem, like low blood sugar, pain or digestive problems! The lack of a place to nap is a common cause of tantrums (Ever notice how many kids you see having them around 3 PM in stores! It's NAP TIME, but Mommy would rather shop! It is also the time of afternoon when blood sugar drops after lunch and a small snack is often needed. Schedule activities around your child's needs. Having a set schedule with nap time included is greatly recommended.

Offer your child a choice of coping strategies. For example, your son wants ice cream, but it's too close to dinner. Say: "Johnny, you're really getting upset now. Calm down or you'll have to go to your room." You have given him a choice -- either control himself or, if he can't, retreat to a place where he won't influence others. If he makes the right choice (to calm down), remember to compliment him: "You asked for ice cream and I said no. I want to thank you for taking no for an answer." Conversely, have consequences and enforce them if he chooses to get upset. Guide him to his room and firmly insist that he remain there until he calms down, for example. This is easier with a two-year-old than with an eight-year-old, so the younger you begin the learning process the better.

Stem your own rising frustration level. Tantrums can raise blood pressure and stress levels in parents as well as children. If you really can’t handle a tantrum, make sure the child will be safe and spend a few moments away from him or her. The time-out has a calming effect for both of you. Get your spouse or other responsible person to look after the child while you calm down. Put your child in his or her room with a gate in front of the door if necessary.

Try to determine the cause of the tantrum. Tantrums can be triggered by a number of things, and the cause of the tantrum should help determine your response to it. If a tantrum is caused by hungriness or sleepiness, you should feed the child or allow him or her to take a nap as soon as possible. If the tantrum is triggered by frustration or fear, you need to comfort your child. If the child feels ignored, spend some quality/quantity time with him, playing or reading, etc. If, however, your child is acting up because he or she can’t get his or her way…

Do not reward the tantrum. If the parents give in, tantrums become a launching point for the child—a way to deal with the world socially. If you allow yourself to be held hostage by tantrums, your child will continue to use them long past the age when they would otherwise cease. Even if the child is throwing a fit because he hasn’t received enough attention, don’t reward the behavior now. Instead, resolve to make long-term changes to avoid future outbursts. Try not to panic or make concessions, but leave the scene, even if just for a few minutes. Go to the crying room at church—that’s what it's there for, after all—to the car, or even to the restroom to allow your child and you to regain control.

Take steps to prevent injury. Some children can become quite animated during a tantrum. If this occurs, remove dangerous objects from the child’s path or steer the child away from danger. Try to avoid restraining a child during a tantrum, but sometimes this is necessary and comforting. Be gentle (do not use excessive force), but hold him or her firmly. Speak reassuringly to the child, especially if the tantrum is the result of disappointment, frustration, or unfamiliar surroundings.

Explain to the child that you will talk to him or her when he or she calms down. This will help your child to understand that you are ignoring her because her behavior is unacceptable, not because you don’t care about her. When the child calms down, fulfill your part of the bargain by discussing the tantrum and the child’s concerns.

Avoid trying to reason with any child who is in the middle of a full-blown tantrum, especially in a public place. Give him or her time to vent. Instead, give the child phrases to express the emotions that they are experiencing. Say phrases like, "You must be really tired after such a long day," or, "You must feel frustrated that you can't have what you want right now." This not only will help the child verbalize this later, but shows empathy for their feelings without having to give in.

Discuss the behavior with your child once the tantrum has ended. While there’s no use trying to reason with a child in the midst of a tantrum, you both can learn a lot by discussing the incident afterwards. Explain that the behavior is unacceptable, but also make sure your child understands that you love him or her regardless. Try to discover the cause of the tantrum if you haven’t already, and take the opportunity to discuss better alternatives with your child.

Do not discipline physically eg by smacking your child. This conveys three unhelpful messages:
  1. That you are out of control.
  2. That hitting is an acceptable behavior.
  3. That feelings should be suppressed and not vented (a toddler is expressing feelings in the only way they are able).

04 May 2012

a friday away from work

i got food poisoning.. down with diarrhea since yesterday. but somehow today i feel a lot better. thx doc. so while aysha is having fun in her babysitters house. me and hubby went to watch a movie after almost 2 years we did not step into any cinema.. we watch the battleship movie which is great.. the director is the same as transformers so the sound system is really like transformers.
this movie is all about aliensss.. and the navy.. and if i am not mistaken.. it was taken from a game.

battleship movie official site: www.battleshipmovie.com

you can watch the trailer here:

p/s i watched the snow white and the huntsman trailer before the movie starts. now i can't wait to watch another great movie!!!

01 May 2012

Happy labour day

This is me wishing everyone happy labour day today.. whilst i'm currently in the office.. working... sigh~

30 April 2012

Cekka and atok's bday celebration

CekKa's birthday was on the 24th April and Atok is on 30th April so we had some family dinner at pizza hut to celebrate their birthday.. we went to pizza hut behind ampang park... the place was quiet and the service was good. the pizza came in a bit late but the staff already informed us before hand.. so we sing a bday song and blow some candles on a couple of pieces of secret recipe cakes and had a lovely family dinner.. aysha eat a bit and roam around the place.. singing her happy song..

and before i forgot.. mothercare 25th anniversary this coming sunday.. come join celebrate at mothercare klcc:

29 April 2012

how to ride a tricycle... aysha's way

please ignore the messy background. aysha's current obsession..

25 April 2012

aysha's 18 months vocabulary list

in another 2 days, aysha will be turning 18 months old.. wow.. she is such a big girl now.. wanting to feed herself, throw her own diaper into the trash, starting to learn to wear her own shoes, wear her own clothes.. her vocab is getting bigger by the day.. show and tell her once, she'll straight away remember what it is.. so here's the list as of today:
  1. ya Allah - 1st word
  2. umi
  3. mak
  4. abi
  5. atok
  6. cekda
  7. cekka
  8. mbah
  9. fan
  10. cat
  11. dog
  12. moo
  13. fish
  14. cockroach
  15. thank you
  16. bus
  17. walk
  18. work
  19. ball
  20. goal
  21. water
  22. milk
  23. bird
  24. moon
  25. book
  26. bear
  27. rabbit
  28. byebye
  29. hello
  30. pretty
  31. sit down
  32. fall down
  33. up
  34. nak sikit
  35. nenen
  36. bola
  37. basikal
  38. lompat
  39. buaian
  40. mamam
  41. susu
  42. salamm
  43. and her favourite word... Nak~
i believe there might be more that i forgot to list down.. but so far this is an impressive list for a 18 month old.. good job aysha!! umi love you soooo mushhhh...

another weekend post

we did not go anywhere last weekend.. well.. on sunday, we thought of visitting my mil in kajang.. then when we reached there, my bro in law said that mil is in beranang.. so off we went to beranang.. when we get there... climbed up until the 3rd floor just to be greeted with a locked door.. demm tiring..  thought off treating ourselves makan2 somewhere nice.. but since too tired. we just drop by in Pasar Kg Pandan since hubby is hungry.. and aysha gets to play "mainan"...

aysha loves swing

 drinking milo ice

 wants to play again

dirty shirt.. aysha nihh...

20 April 2012

Benefit and goodness of green apple

Apples can be eaten freely, but more than two or three a day does not increase the health benefits. Large quantities of apple juice can encourage tooth decay and diarrhoea.

EPAL rich green with iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, soldium, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B and fiber.

Here are some of the advantages and benefits of green EPAL we need to know:

1. Helps prevent the formation of cholesterol in the walls of blood ducts.
2. Reduce the risk of heart disease.
3. Helping with the health of our lung membranes.
4. Helping with the health bone by adding chemicals (boron) on bone mineral.
5. help with the cardiovascular system by perpetuating the blood cholesterol level.
6. Help perpetuate the body weight.
7. reduce the risk of asthma.
8. reduce the risk of abscess.
9. it is encouraged to eat with the skin because the vitamin C is located under the skin.
10. For those who have constipation problems or digestion problems, you can blend the apple with celery and drink every morning before breakfast. This practice can cleanse the intestinal tract and properly dispose of toxic through our digestive system. the sour green substance is an excellent body cleanser.
11. Similarly to the freshness of the skin, cut green and immerse the apple instantly in iced water for 5 minutes. then place the green on the face and leave for 15 minutes away. Surely you can feel the freshness and if practiced always can smooth out facial skin.

Sources: Saji November 2008

here is aysha eating green apple... good girl....

apdets @ april

i can't say that a lot of things happened this month. mostly is because of my short term memory lost syndrome. but here are the things that happened this month:

1. my hubby is furthering his study in mechatronics engineering. based in kulim kedah. he's going to start in July which is on the fasting month. i guess now my mind is still not understanding the distance between us. i've googled. it going to be 353kms apart! i know it was my decision and suggestion that he further his studies. i was the one who applied for him so i cannot back down now. i want him to be successful in his career. i've made plannings.. i want to go up north every month to spend time with him. we have a relative house in penang so there should be no problems with accomodation. insyaallah, things going to turn out fine.

2. my best buddy alina from high school just gave birth to baby boy name Alif Fahim.Congratulations. Picture coming up soon, only after receiving greenlight from the new parents. quite an experience she had giving birth to Alif. she had trouble with the placenta not coming out after baby's birth. so the dr said to wait for 6 hours. but before the 6th hour, she had a massive bleeding and contractions like she's gonna give birth again so the dr pushed to operating theathre to remove the placenta manually. luckily no surgery involved. if not, she's gonna have some tough time during confinement. apparently, the dr broke her amniotic fluid(not sure correct or not) or air ketuban when she is 3cm dilated and the dr already ask her to push when she is only 5 cm dilated? why? i also don't know. gonna ask my doctor-to-be sister later.

well, i guess that's about it. updates on aysha? she's more talkative now. and i can make sense on what she's saying. now i know she is quite hotheaded just like her abi. i'll list down her vocabulary some other time.

until then.

13 April 2012

weekend activities

we had 2 full and satisfying trip and activity last weekend. on saturday, we went to my high school mate / class mate wedding ceremony. i get to meet up with long time no see friend and catch up on everybody's life a bit. though most of the time i was munching and eating. aysha also get to meet new friends and play around pointing at birds all the time.

full after eating nasi minyak
posing with ex mzms
big field to play and chase birds
 tired already.. need to rest a bit
 uncle came and toss aysha in the air... yeahhhh
 umi and aysha having fun
 no more pics please
3 best buddies.. born 3 days apart.. 
hana sofea 23.10, aysha sofea 26.10 and izz rayyan 30.10

12 April 2012

tanda2 hari kiamat

antara tanda2 hari kiamat. sebagai peringatan buat diriku dan keluarga serta sahabat handai:

- Kemunculan Imam Mahdi

- Kemunculan Dajjal

- Turunnya Nabi Isa (AS)

- Kemunculan Yakjuj Dan Makjuj

- Terbitnya matahari dari Barat ke Timur

- Pintu pengampunan akan ditutup

- Dab'bat al-Ard akan keluar dari tanah & akan menandai muslim yang sebenar2nya

- Kabus selama 40 Hari akan mematikan semua orang beriman sejati shj mereka tidak perlu mengalami tanda2 kiamat lainnya

- Sebuah kebakaran besar akan menyebabkan kerusakan,

- Pemusnahan Kabah,

- Tulisan dalam Al-Quran akan lenyap,

- Sangkakala akan ditiup pertama kalinya binatang2 & org2 kafir yang tersisa akan mati, semua gunung & bangunan akan runtuh

- Tiupan sangkakala yang kedua kalinya akan membangkitkan semua ciptaan Allah & bertemu di dataran Arafah menuju saat penghakiman mereka.. Dan Matahari akan mendekatkan dirinya ke bumi

Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW telah bersabda:
"Barang siapa yg mengingatkan ini kepada orang lain, akan Ku buatkan tempat di Syurga baginya pada hari penghakiman kelak."

earthquake in northern sumatera

our neighbour country got hit with another earthquake. i was in the toilet in the office when it occured. i thought it was just me high on coffee. but when i got out. everyone was standing and talking and a friend that just got back from smoking session informed that lotsa people goes outside the building. so we join the others downstairs and after a few minutes. we decided to just go home. heheh. a colleague from medan got worried when we got to know the earthquake happened in his hometown and was busy calling2. but still.. we are glad nothing major happend..... yet. Either way, i pray for our friends safety there in aceh and all the places affected. the tsunami warning was also announced but no tsunami as of yet. hopefully things gets better.

some info regarding the earthquake:

An Indonesian official says an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 8.9 has hit off Aceh, on the northern tip of Sumatra.

434 km (269 miles) SW of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia
550 km (341 miles) SW of Lhokseumawe, Sumatra, Indonesia
963 km (598 miles) W of KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
1797 km (1116 miles) WNW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Ya Allah, only to you we seek refuge......

07 April 2012

Kesilapan Kita Sebagai Ibu Bapa dalam Mendidik Anak-Anak

1. Kesilapan pertama: Kurang Berdoa
Kurang berdoa semasa mengandung. Antara doa-doa yang digalakkan diamalkan semasa mengandung ialah 
* Saidul (penghulu) istighfar 
* Doa memohon rahmat (Al-Quran Surah Ali ‘Imran, 3:8-9) 
* Doa memohon zuriat yang baik (Al-Quran Surah Ali ‘Imran, 3:38) 
* Doa agar anak mengerjakan solat ((Al-Quran Surah Ibrahim, 14:40-41) 
Kurang berdoa semasa membesarkan anak. Doa-doa yang digalakkan diamalkan semasa anak membesar ialah 
* Doa agar anak patuh kepada Allah s.w.t (Al-Quran Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:128) 
* Doa diberi zuriat yang menyejukkan hati (Al-Quran Surah Al-Fuqan, 25:74) 
* Doa supaya nama anak membawa kebaikan kepadanya. 

2. Kesilapan kedua: Banyak memberi belaian Tarhib (menakutkan) daripada Targhib (didikan atau motivasi) seperti: 
* menakutkan anak-anak dengan sekolah 
* menakutkan dengan tempat gelap 
* menakutkan dengan hutan rimba atau bukit bukau 
* menggunakan kekerasan dan paksaan semasa menyuruh anak tidur. 

3. Kesilapan ketiga: Tidak tegas dalam mendidik anak-anak 
* Tidak menjadualkan kegiatan harian anak-anak 
* Terlalu memfokuskan anak-anak kepada sesuatu aktiviti sahaja tanpa mengambil kira perasaan mereka. 

4. Kesilapan keempat: Menegur mereka secara negatif 
* Mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat dan maki hamun kepada anak-anak (terutama semasa marah) 
* Membandingkan anak-anak dengan anak-anak lain atau anak orang lain. 

5. Kesilapan kelima: Memberi didikan yang tidak seimbang antara jasmani (physical), rohani (spiritual) dan minda (intelektual)
 * Ramai yang lebih mementingkan pendidikan minda dari pendidikan rohani. 

6. Kesilapan keenam: Kurang memberi sentuhan kepada semua anak-anak 
* Sedangkan Rasulullah kerap dilihat mendukung cucu-cucunya dan mencium mereka. Diriwayatkan oleh Aisyah r.a.: Pada suatu hari Rasulullah SAW mencium Al-Hassan atau Al-Hussien bin Ali r.a. Ketika itu Aqra’ bin Habis At-Tamimy sedang berada di rumah baginda. Berkata Aqra’: “Ya Rasulullah! Aku mempunyai sepuluh orang anak, tetapi aku belum pernah mencium seorang pun daripada mereka.” Rasulullah melihat kepada Aqra’ kemudian berkata: “Siapa yang tidak mengasihi tidak akan dikasihi.” (Maksud Al-Hadith Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim) 

7. Kesilapan ketujuh: Penampilan diri yang kurang anggun dan kurang kemas 
* Ibu bapa tidak menunjukkan cara berpakaian yang kemas dan yang menepati syarak bile berada di rumah, iaitu berpakaian secara selekeh atau berpakaian seksi di hadapan anak-anak. 

8. Kesilapan kelapan: Susunan rumahtangga yang tidak kemas 
* Ini mengakibatkan anak-anak terikut-ikut dengan cara itu dan membesar menjadi pemalas dan selekeh. 

9. Kesilapan kesembilan: Kurang menghidupkan sunnah di rumah 
* Seperti memberi salam, makan berjemaah, beribadah bersama-sama dan sebagainya. Dalam menjawab salam, lazimkanlah menjawab salam dengan yang lebih baik dari salam yang diberi. 
10. Kesilapan kesepuluh: Tidak menggantungkan rotan di tempat yang mudah dilihat oleh anak-anak 
* Dalam Islam, merotan anak dengan tujuan mendidik adalah satu Sunnah. 

11. Kesilapan kesebelas: Kurang mendedahkan anak-anak dengan model yang cemerlang 
* Seperti para ulama’ dan orang-orang yang berhemah tinggi dan berakhlak mulia. Anak-anak juga patut didedahkan dengan sembahyang jemaah, kuliah agama dan aktiviti-aktivi yang bersesuaian dengan akhlak Islam. 

12. Kesilapan keduabelas: Berrtengkar di depan anak-anak 
* Ini akan menyebabkan anak-anak rasa tertekan dan membenci salah seorang dari ibu bapanya. 

13. Kesilapan ketigabelas: Membenarkan orang yang tidak elok sahsiahnya masuk ke dalam rumah 
* Samada dari kalangan sahabat sendiri ataupun sahabat anak-anak, kerana ini akan memberikan contoh yang tidak baik kepada anak-anak yang sedang membesar. 

14. Kesilapan keempatbelas: Kurang mengawasi rancangan-rancangan yang ditonton 
* Samada dari TV ataupun video. Pengawasan dalam hal ini adalah penting kerana kebanyakan rancangn dari media ini menonjolkan akhlak yang kurang baik seperti pergaulan bebas lelaki dan perempuan, pakaian yang tidak menepati syarak dan perbualan yang boleh merosakkan agama anak-anak. 

15. Kesilapan kelimabelas: Terlalu bergantung kepada pembantu rumah untuk mendidik anak-anak 
* Sebagai ibu bapa kitalah yang akan disoal di akhirat kelak akan anak-anak ini. Oleh itu adalah menjadi satu kepentingan kita untuk berusaha memastikan anak-anak terdidik dengan didikan Islam. “Harta benda dan anak-anak kamu hanyalah menjadi ujian dan di sisi ALLAH ada pahala yang besar.” (Al-Quran Surah At-Taghabun, 64:15) 

credit -scaniaz


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